Yes. PlaneSSSS. We have a 1 hour flight to Atlanta, then a 4HOUR flight to Salt Lake City, then another 45min-1hour flight into Idaho Falls. The little ones I'm not worried about at all. I know he'll get to run around the airport some between flights too. It's the 4 hour one that makes me sweat a little. He doesn't even do well during the 4 hour drive to Cincinnati. Actually he did ok the last time, but we stopped every hour to let him out and run around. We have crayons and paper and a few toys and snacks and the DVD player of course... I'm hoping if the seat belt sign is off some he can maybe run up and down the aisles a bit.... as long as he's not obstructive of course. I just keep telling myself that it's only 4 hours and worse case scenario he screams the whole time... it'll be over eventually, right? We get in about 12:30 local ID time, so that should be perfect for him to get there and pass out for a nice long nap. Because you know my child, who won't even sleep in the car, will NOT be sleeping at any point during this trip. Hopefully we will have a minimum of melt downs!!
Everyone wish us luck!! And I'm hoping to visit with people so let me know if you want a visit!! I shouldn't even be typing right now! I have to finish PACKING!!!!