Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Everyone who voted for a Girl......

was WRONG!!! he's a beautiful baby BOY!!

Victor Stephen Meyers. He flashed his little winkie at us!! His heart is pumpin in all 4 chambers and his kidneys are working, which means he's swallowing, woohoo! And he's a big boy already! Measuring at 8days ahead of my EDD, and a whopping 14 ozs already. The tech was like, "oh my, you're gonna have a big baby!" I do have an anterior placenta, which just means that the placenta attached to the front of my uterus instead of the back. Not a bad thing, just means there's more cushion between me and the baby kicking so it'll be a while longer before Matt will be able to feel anything. We're so excited!!


Kimber Bowen said...

Congrats! A little boy they are so fun. I am so excited for you. I love the name. Congrats again.

Chad and Whitney Patterson said...

Heidi, I'm SO happy for you! Congrats on the little one!

The Christensens said...

Gotta love baby boys!!!! YEAH!

Jada said...

Yay! So happy it's a healthy little one!

alisekelley said...

I already wrote you a lond message on facebook but couldn't resist writing on your blog!!! Congrats babe!!!!!! Love you!!!!!

Miriam said...

YAY!!! HOW FUN!!! I'm so excited for you and I really like the name, is it a family name?

The Pascoe Family said...

Congratulations, that is awesome. I bet Matt is so excited. I have loved having a boy as my first kid. He is already watches out for Gracie.
So are they going to change your due date???

Anonymous said...

YEY for boys!

Carlson Clan said...

I'm so excited for you Heidi. Boys are so much fun, especially for your first. Hooray!

Tim and Amber said...

YA! I am so excited for you!! little boys are the best! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Im so suprised I seriously thought it was twin girls!!! ha ha