Matt's grandfather has been living with lung cancer for some time now. Matt got a phone call this morning saying pa-pa had been taken to the hospital with pneumonia. His cancer is bad now and they decided to take him off the ventilator because he has always said he did not want to live on life support. We will be going to Cinncinnati for a few days to be with family during this difficult time. Please pray for us to have a safe trip and for God to be with his family and us through this time. It makes me realize how short life is and how much we have to be thankful for. I'm so glad we have each other and our health. Please tell your loved ones how much they mean to you every chance you get, you never know what life has in store for us.
I'm sorry to hear about grandpa. my prayers are with you! travel safe!
Good luck Heidi. I'm really sorry to hear that. We'll keep your family in our prayers.
I am praying for you guys! I feel for YOU! Family is so important! Hope all goes well!
So sorry to hear that!!! Life is so precious!!! Praying for you and the family! Thanks for your prayers for little Brookelle!!!
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