Monday, November 28, 2011

my little artist.

Yes that is my leg (ha!) And that is the person that Victor drew on me. Body, arms, legs, circle (head), eyes, nose, mouth and a squiggle up top for hair. He started doing this months ago and they are already significantly better than they started out. Within the past 9 months they went from big blob bodies to this more streamlined version you see here. He's done better ones on paper but this was just the only one I had a picture of! My sister-in-law was telling me how advanced that was, but I didn't really think anything of it till I looked it up myself. Apparently at 2 most kids are just starting to draw circles and blobby people don't typically emerge till 3ish. So right now his skills on this level are between 3-4 year age range. He also knows most of his colors and shapes. He can count things up to 10. This morning I was pouring pancakes on the griddle and he counts, "1,2,3,4,5 cakes! cirks mom cirks! (circles)" He will count the stairs as he goes up "1,2,3.." up to 10, then come back down "10,9,8..." back down to 1. He pretty much amazes me on a daily basis.

Oh and funny thing!! He's been doing "flips" (somersaults) for awhile, but he would put his head down and kind of fall over sideways (hilarious, btw). But within the past couple of weeks he has actually started to roll head over heels and he can do it at will now. We tell him "do a flip!" and he puts his head down and flips right over, then stands up and claps for himself, so cute! The other day he started doing flips, and was counting while he did it. Flip (1!) flip (2!) flip ("3! 3 flips! yay!!")

I love this age, he learns something new every day and basically blows me away. I'd love to get him into a Montessori preschool program next year, but unfortunately we can't afford nearly $3000 a year for that!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That IS advanced for his got a little Van Gogh on your hands so dont wash that leg...might be worth something some day :)