Monday, November 7, 2011

Hear me roar!

This. A thousand times this.

I remember getting my first three little stripes with Victor. I was putting lotion on in front of the mirror and happened to see them on the underside of my belly. I cried. I had stretch marks just from going through puberty so I knew I was probably going to get them, but still... I cried. Eventually I ended up with them pretty much everywhere. One day I had 3, the next the were everywhere, or so it seemed.

This time, I don't care. First of all, they are already there. For 2 years now we've gotten to know each other, they are simply a part of me. Secondly, I've come to see them as evidence of what my body is capable of. I grew a HUMAN BEING in my womb! How cool is that?!?

So bring 'em on!!


Carlson Clan said...

Good for you Heidi. I didn't get very many with Weston and Saydi but Jonas completely destroyed all of that. I'm still getting used to it but I agree - they are a part of me and evidence of the greatest blessings in my life. And no one sees them anyway so who cares right?!

Tim and Amber said...

Love this! I didn't get very many with J but K came with a TON more; I'm still trying to get to know them, but like you, I feel like 'I grew a freakin human in my belly!' :) It's sort of like thanksgiving every day when I look at them :)