sorry its so blurry, I was trying to capture all the drool running out of his mouth...
Teething SUCKS. Probably more so for him, but I'm pretty sure it sucks in general. He is cranky, he doesn't want to sleep. He doesn't want to eat. He just chews on his fingers or anything he can get close to his mouth. The amount of drool coming out of his mouth is astonishing. He can soak a bib or burp cloth in a matter of minutes! Take last night for example. After fussing/screaming at us for an hour or two and drooling over everything even close to him, he finally nursed and fell asleep after some tylenol and chewing on a frozen teething ring for a good 5 minutes. This was at 1am. Now at 8am he's awake chewing on his fingers again and crabby and won't go back to sleep! I stayed up after he went to sleep to finish some homework so I've only slept for about 3 hours and I'm feeling pretty crabby myself. Goofy kid.
I can't even feel the little nubs in his mouth, which really depresses me. I know he could be doing this for months before they actually break in. At least if I could feel them there might be a little relief in sight for him.... and me .........
he has to go back to sleep eventually..... right?
poor guy! and poor mama. teething is tough business. he *will* go back to sleep eventually. and hopefully it's sooner rather than later for your sake...hoping for the best for you!
Some teething ideas I remember using on Kaylei:
A full size carrot out of the fridge. It stays colder longer, it's hard, and he can't eat it. Just don't leave him unattended.
There's a pacifier that looks like a rasberry. That was awesome! I found mine at a baby store.
Get a bowl of ice. Throw in his pacifiers (I can't remember if you use them) Then rotate them as they get warm.
Hang in there!
I am sorry Heidi, teething is the worst. I hope that you and him get some sleep soon. The only thing that seemed to relieve Chase was the Oral B teething gel. It numbs their gums so you want to do it after feedings or they will not eat. Hope they come through soon, there is hope in sight.
Heidi, I think I lost my brain. I meant to say Baby Orajel. Hope you two got some sleep last night.
I agree with orajel!! it's awesome! that's the only thing that worked for Jackson..he didn't like cold things in his mouth
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