The car insurance assessor called me today. That's right. My car is totaled. TOTALED! As in, never coming back, I never get to drive her, ever again. I LOVE my car! I'm sooo upset that they can't fix it. Apparently there is too much damage done to the frame and it's just not feasible to fix it. I guess that just makes me even more glad that baby and me are ok. So they are going to send us a check for the value of the car, minus our deductible.
Good thing #1: we won't have to pay our deductible out of pocket, which leaves our savings intact. #2: we can get a new car that is more family friendly than my 2-door honda civic. #3: the check from Geico will cover MOST of what we still owe on my car.
Bad thing #1: the check won't cover ALL of what we owe. It'll still leave a lil bit that we'll have to pay off. #2: since we just refinanced my car through Chase when I started working there a couple of months ago, we will get charged a small penalty for paying it off within 12 months.
Options: #1: we can use our savings, that we had been thinking would have been gone, to help pay off the rest of the car and make it easier to buy another car. #2: Matt's mom offered to let us use her car for a while until we figure out what the best option is, so we can use her car for awhile and save up more money and not have to use our savings right away.
I'm sure there are other options too...I just can't think of them at the moment. I am going to talk to my boss at the bank tomorrow, I'm sure he'll have some ideas and we can figure out what to do. Ideally, I'd like to be able to finance a new (not necesarily NEW new, but new to us) car and just add the remaining balance of my civic to the new (old) car. That way we will just be making one car payment that is reasonable and then we both have cars and we don't have to worry about it anymore. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
Oh and I found plane tickets into jackson hole for $336 a person. That's so cheap! If I book them soon, Matt and I can go home to visit my parents for Christmas!! Jackson Hole is only about 2 hours from Shelley (where I grew up) and is actually cheaper than flying into Salt Lake City. Crazy!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Sorry Heidi, that stinks. I hope that either of your options work out for you. And hopefully the bank will have another option to add. I am so glad that you and Victor are okay.
The Host was a great book. Well at least I like it. It is by Stephanie Meyers who wrote the Twilight Series. Anyways, it is about souls who came to earth and take over, but they have to have host to live. It deals with the host and the souls interactions. It sounds wierd, but that is why I like it. It was different and interesting to me. You'll have to read it and see if you like it.
Hope you are doing well and that you are feeling okay.
Oh Heidi I am so glad you are OK. I hope everything works out. It is so hard deciding what to do!!! I am glad Victor is OK too.
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