Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ER visit

Last night I was trying to put Victor to sleep and he was trying to get me to take him downstairs to watch cartoons. Did I mention it was 1am? yeah. I kept saying "no no baby, it's nighttime, everyone is sleeping, we need to sleep too." So he starts tugging on my right hand trying to pull me off the bed. He does this all the time so I really didn't think much of it... until it popped. Instantly I pulled his fingers off me and started yelling "no no dont touch me!" I thought he'd dislocated it with the way he was yanking on it and because I couldn't move my fingers.... I went digging for my wrist brace and woke Matt up because I knew I was going to have to go to the ER. We waited for a bit to see if the pain would fade, but after 30 minutes when I still couldn't even uncurl my fingers I decided to go.

Matt had to stay with Victor so I drove myself. Luckily our car is an automatic so it was not too difficult. They got me back pretty quick and right back to Xray which I was kind of freaking about, being pregnant and all. They shielded me and it was just my wrist. My midwife confirmed that Xrays are well moderated now and even if it had been a direct XRay of my abdomen it would have been minimal especially since I'm so far along and Cadie's pretty fully formed at this point. Then I sat and waited for 45 minutes. Until the doctor literally shuffled over, didn't even bother to actually look at my wrist, told me it wasn't fractured (duh) just a sprain and they'd give me a splint. Seriously he talked to me for like, 30 seconds. I freaking hate doctors. I'm sure we'll get a nice hefty bill for that 30 second conversation too.

I've sprained both my wrists before. I have braces for both wrists on standby at all times, but I've NEVER had a sprain hurt this bad. Usually if I hurt one I put the brace on and deal with it for a day or so and then we're all good. For me to say " I need to go to the ER, NOW." You know it had to be pretty bad. Talking to my midwife reminded me too that with my body getting ready to give birth I have all these great hormones running around my body, like Relaxin. All getting my joints and ligaments and stuff nice and loose for the birth process. So THAT's why Victor was so easily able to sprain my wrist so bad. So to all the pregnant mamas, Be Careful!!

I can barely even use my fingers, which is better than earlier today when I couldn't use them at all. And yes, it is my right hand and I am right handed. Even just using them a bit still hurts like hell and Tylenol isn't doing a darn thing. I'm really hoping the worst of this is over in a day or 2 like everyone says it will be. Have you ever tried changing the diaper of a wiggly 2 year old with only 1 hand? It's fun, you should try it.

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