Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy 32 Weeks!

Had another lovely visit from my midwives today and I got to see all 3! Usually Dorothy and Pia are stopping by in the morning on their way to Angy's office, so this time they all 3 came over in the afternoon. Victor had a great time showing off for them too! He did great while they did my BP (great) and checked out Cadie. She is actually head down and in a great position for delivery so my job is to make sure she stays there. HA! right.

I've officially gained 20 lbs :( not thrilled about that but it's WELL within normal weight gain and still WAY less than what I gained with Victor. So hopefully my gain over the next 8 weeks will stay normal and I'll weigh less after the birth than I did to start with (it's ok, you can laugh).

Can I just say for a minute here that I LOVE Old Navy yoga pants? They are seriously the most comfortable pants ever. I bought a pair while pregnant with Victor and have worn them faithfully for the past 2.5 years. Sadly, they were ready to be retired. I got my new ones today and when I slipped them on "Ahhhhhh!" instant comfort. I think I'll be living in them for the next several months.

I'm still feeling pretty good. Some pelvic/hip/sciatic pain mostly in the evenings or if I've been out walking a lot. An occasional bout of heartburn and some difficulty getting comfortable at night. You know, typical late pregnancy stuff. Mostly I feel good, still running around after Victor and getting out of the house when I can. Loving feeling my baby girl rolling around in my belly! She's still super active and while she's no longer throwing those sharp kicks and punches, there's a lot of rolling and stretching and it's soooo fun :-) I'm totally ready for another 8-10 weeks!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

8-10 weeks is nothing! You got this! Glad the midwives visit went well. Going to have to check out the yoga pants...they sound super comfy!