Friday, November 26, 2010

I love new stuff...

I'm so excited that I just ordered some new books. I am in the process of becoming a La Leche League (LLL) Leader and one of the things I had to have for that is their newest edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, so I got that one. I also needed to read a book on childbirth, so I picked out Ina May's Guide to Childbirth (which I conveniently had been wanting to read anyway) and also Playful Parenting, which is a gentle parenting book that shows ways to connect and reach your kids by playing with them. Doesn't that sound wonderful? I've heard some great reviews from friends and decided I had to check it out.

Becoming a LLL leader is all part of eventually being a lactation consultant. I have become so passionate about breastfeeding over the last year that I can think of nothing I would enjoy more than working with new moms to beat the "booby traps" that many women fall into. For more on that, check out on how to do the best for your babe, whether it's BFing for 2 years, 2 months, or 2 days they want to help you meet that goal and this organization is dedicated to educating women about their choices. There is sooooo much bad information out there about breastfeeding and I want to help people and get them the right information.

I'm so excited to get my new books and read them!

1 comment:

dulce de leche said...

Yay! All three are great. Congratulations on becoming an LLL leader! That is awesome.