Monday, October 24, 2011

belly comparison

24 weeks with Victor
24 weeks today with Cadie
i think I look closer to my 27 week pic with Victor.

What do you think?

I've been feeling great up to this point so I really can't complain too much. I finally hit that spot where I'm really feeling pregnant. I can no longer work around my belly as if it's not there, she's definitely in the way!! Or to feel her kick me every time I bend over, apparently I'm in HER way! I've started having some sciatic pain this past week. I've also noticed it's worse at the end of the day, especially if I've been holding Victor a lot. Unfortunately I'm trying to cut back on that, which I hate, but my body doesn't need an extra 33 lbs sitting on one hip, ya know? We're trying to do lots of lap hugs and cuddling on the couch while mommy rests.

What ways did you find to help your toddler through this transition? Any ideas for me?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hurricane Cadie

Victor wanted to get in on the action :-) He stood there yelling "CHEESE!!" Why couldn't he have done that when we took family pictures last week?!

23 weeks now! I still feel great, although just realized tonight that I'm starting to feel a heavy? awkward? not sure what the right adjective is here, but all you mommies now what I mean :-) But I really do feel good, other than the occasional ligament pains and some back pain when I've been holding Victor too long, it's been a great pregnancy so far. As my midwives and I like to say, "I'm boringly normal." And can I just say, I freaking LOVE my midwives. They are amazing and I could not ask for any one better to help us birth.

Cadie (Cadence Marie) is a maniac! I had an anterior placenta with Victor and never really felt regular movement until my 3rd trimester. This time my placenta is placed properly in back and she's just crazy! I felt her for the first time at 14 weeks, started feeling her regular daily little taps at 16 weeks, felt her on the outside of my belly at 18 weeks and a few days later at barely 19 weeks she was kicking hard enough that Matt got to feel her. She moves SOOO much. At my 20 week ultrasound the tech was hilarious, she kept laughing because every time she'd get a shot of something she needed, Cadie would move on her. it took her a good 15-20 minutes to get the right shots of the heart because Cadie was moving soo much. She completely flipped position at least twice while we were there.

At my last midwife appt it took about 5-10 mintues to find her heartbeat because she was moving around so much. The midwife-in-training said that it sounded like a storm in my belly and I said "oh yes, Hurricane Cadie is coming!" and I've been calling her that ever since. I've never once had a moment where I wondered if she was ok, because I seriously feel her moving ALL. THE. TIME. And I just LOVE it. Although a little part of me is scared because, what's it going to feel like in 5 or 6 weeks when she's even bigger?! But I can't wait, I'm so excited. I sooo love being pregnant this time around. Bring on the babies!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 Years Old!

It just doesn't seem like it's been 2 years! He's still my baby, my sweet lil angel.... It's hard to believe that he's really growing up, I mean, in just 4 months he's going to be a big brother! *sigh* So strange...

But these 2 years have been wonderful. I wouldn't change them, not one minute, for anything in this world. The awful nights with his reflux at first, then the ear infections, the tubes surgery, finding the lump in his hand, the MRI, then surgery on his hand, HFM now twice.... All the hugs and kisses, cuddles, giggles, tickles, falling asleep next to him and waking up with him cuddled up next to me, all those hours spent nursing and just holding him in my arms....

Oh I love my little boy so much, he's so sweet, so funny and he's going to be such a great big brother!