Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Sorry it's been soooo long!!! Our computer crashed about 2 months ago and we just got a new one on Monday.

I know this is kind of old news by now at least with my Facebook friends, but...

We are Pregnant!!!! Yay!! I'm due on February 14, but totally expecting to go over at least a week, so the end of February is more likely. I'm 10 weeks now and actually feeling pretty good. I was pretty nauseous there for awhile but it just started to subside a few days ago. thank goodness! I have another midwife appt next week and we should get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I'm sooo excited about this that I tear up just thinking about it! I can't wait!! Looking forward to catching up with everyone else's blogs soon!

1 comment:

Kimber Bowen said...

Congrats! I had no clue! I am so excited for you. I hope you are feeling well and that cute little Victor is doing well to. How exciting. Best news of the day!