Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 1

Just wanted to make a quick "Yay Me!" post. I started Weight Watchers last week. I'm not actually going to the meetings, but I had joined awhile back before our wedding so I still have all the books and counters and stuff so I just started up again on my own. We don't really have the money for me to throw away for someone else to weigh me each week, lol. So here's my moment, in 1 week I'm down 4.4 lbs!!! Yay Me! I'm so proud of myself cause I usually have such a hard time with diets, but this is really easy. I can basically eat whatever I want as long as I keep track of it. And since I'm nursing I get 15 extra points for the day, and I've been having a hard time using all of them! So here's to next week and hoping that the good news continues!


Kimber Bowen said...

That is great Heidi. You are so good! I know I am going to need to do something like that after this baby. This pregnancy I have gone crazy with eating and have gained alot of weight. I am proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Carlson Clan said...

Good for you! Pregnancy can really mess with your body and it can be hard to get it back. I'm impressed with your motivation. I could take a page out of your book!!

Ben and Jessica Buehner said...

That is FABULOUS honey!! You will be back to your old self in no time! GO YOU!

alisekelley said...

Go you! It is hard! I gain 50 lbs with each pregnancy. Keep up the good work!

Tim and Amber said...

wow! that is awesome!! conrats and keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Heidi! That's so great, wish I could say I got on the ball that fast after my baby! Keep it up, your awesome!