Thursday, February 16, 2012

Midwife Appointment

Baby and I still look great :-) Cadie has great heart tones and Angy could hear the blood flow through the placenta and swishing fluid. Plus with the way Cadie is still switching back and forth between left, center and right sides, we figure she's got plenty of fluid in there, which also means that my placenta is still functioning just as it should be. My BP is great, still nice and low. We are nice and healthy and normal.

A very cool note here: at 37 weeks my GBS test came back positive. Here is a link for GBS for those who aren't sure what I'm talking about:
I was annoyed about it because I didn't want to end up with antibiotics, even though they could do it right here at home, it's annoying and unnecessary. I was leaning toward some more homeopathic remedies, or just nothing at all depending on how my labor went. Anyways, I had them redo the swab last week and it came back negative this time! Ha! I highly recommend to anyone that they take probiotics, particularly in the weeks before they typically do this test (36 weeks). If it does come back positive, have them retest in a week or 2 because it can change pretty quickly. So now I don't have to worry about it. YES!

My contractions have picked up a bit over the past couple days. I can now feel them a bit more through my hips and back and some low pressure during each one. They are still pretty irregular anywhere from 6 minutes apart up to 30 minutes apart. One of these days they'll start to get regular and closer together and more intense and then we'll be in business! I'm thinking maybe this weekend.... I'm also at 2cms now, woo hoo! I know it has nothing to do with when I go into labor, but it's good to have progress. Only 8 left! Every little bit helps :-)

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