At this point I feel like there's not much change in belly size. Big is big, ya know? And she's definitely big. At my appt yesterday they were palpating my belly and checking out lil miss and they both said they think she's around 8lbs at the moment. Victor was 8lbs 15oz after peeing and 20 inches long, I pretty much assume she'll be somewhere around there too, but you never know for sure of course :-) My appt on the whole was pretty standard. I'm still nice and healthy, good BP, no swelling, no weight gain this week either (woo hoo!) and generally kind of boring. They keep reassuring me that boring is good :-) Position wise, she's always head down, but moves back and forth between my right side, left side and posterior, anterior... I know positioning during birth is very important, but she moves around so much still that it almost seems silly to worry about her position until I'm actually in early labor. If someone has better information/advice on this, please let me know!
My mom will be here in 5 days! Hopefully we can get everything finished organizing-wise with the house in the next few days so that she actually has a place to sleep. Plus you know, getting the house organized in general just sounds pretty freaking awesome. I've been slowly cooking things here and there for the freezer. Yesterday I made a huge batch of pancakes and froze those. I cooked a chicken, shredded it all and now have 2 bags of frozen shredded chicken in my freezer for meals. I already had some Beef Barley stew frozen... it's still not much but it's a start. Since I figure I still have a couple weeks, we've got some time to get things ready... Hey, at this point we might get our taxes back before she gets here!
1 comment:
That is great that you have gotten all that food prep done. I think the shredded chicken is amazing. Cuz, that is usually what keeps me from making a meal with chicken. I hate shredding chicken. I am glad that all is going well with this pregnancy. I hope you can continue to feel well and get rest here and there if possible. I don't like how uncomfortable it gets at the end of pregnancy.
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