I'm saving the whole story for when I get the pictures to go with it. I was incredibly lucky to have a local photographer offer to photograph the birth for free so she could use it to build her portfolio for birth photography. So, when I get to look at the pictures I'll write up the whole story and have a great post for anyone who wants to read it.
But she's here! She was born 2-25-12 at 10:30pm here at home in the water. 8lbs 15oz, 19 3/4 inches long. The exact same as Victor except a quarter inch in length! It was intense and crazy and overwhelming and completely amazing. The instant she was out she was screaming her lungs out and eyes wide open and trying to pick her head up and look at everything. She's been nursing like a champ first thing and my milk came in last night, a scant 24 hours or so after birth. I feel so much better now than I did after Victor's birth, the difference is really amazing.
I'm looking forward to writing it all down soon!
Congrats Heidi! She is so beautiful! I am so glad she finally made her appearance! Can't wait to hear the whole story! I am so happy for you. Glad you are doing well!
She looks SO MUCH like Victor!!! Congratulations to you all and I cant wait to see pictures :)
She is beautiful! Can't wait to hear about the birth story!
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